Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Great News! NYC Landmark Preservation Commission Votes Unanimously To Calendar 236 And 238 President Street In Carroll Gardens

NYC Landmark Preservation Commission discussing 236 and 238 President Street at its meeting yesterday morning
Drawing of the building from The Brooklyn Eagle, November 21, 1897
238 President Street and 236 President Street seen in 1912 and today
Here is some hopeful news for the two beautiful historic buildings at 236 and 238 President Street, which Carroll Gardeners are trying to have landmarked, after it became known that a developer plans on demolishing the former  Hans S. Christian Memorial Kindergarten at #236 to make way for new condos.

Here is a report by Glenn Kelly, who attended New York City Landmark Preservation Commission's meeting where the two buildings were discussed:
"At 9:45 Am on April 10th, the New York City Landmark Preservation Commission voted unanimously to calendar 236 and 238 President Street for consideration as individual New York City landmark buildings.
There was a brief presentation and recommendation from the LPC research department and a question about the garage addition at 236 and top floor addition at 238. The Chairperson, Meenakshi Srinivasan, seemed quite supportive of the recommendation and answered that the garage is likely to be removed in the future. Several commissioners seemed quite pleased with the Joan Baez connection.
While this action does not guarantee that the buildings will become landmarks, it does provide immediate protection against changes or demolition while the agency does further research and follows its procedures for a hearing which will likely be held later this year.
Should the buildings be landmarked, we can be sure that the 236 building will be preserved (at minimum its facade) and any development will be subject to community (and community board) review in order to produce a result which incorporates the existing building in a respectful way and adds to the community. The history of this building will remain more real with its continued existence and this block, our neighborhood and our city will be a more interesting place.
This is a big win for our community and hopefully a signal that LPC will continue to consider an expansion of our existing landmark district.
Congratulations are in order for our community and especially to those who fought for this designation.
Thanks for your initiative and dedication !"

Again, to make clear, this does not mean that the two buildings have been landmarked, just that the Commission is committed to consider landmark status.  It also means that starting today, 236 President Street can not be demolished without prior approval by the Commission until a final vote on its landmark status. It is a giant step forward, however, and we should all be proud of how we came together to get us to this point.

For more on the two buildings, click here:


fondofellipses said...

So, if Glenn Kelly's report is correct, even if 236 President is landmarked, the developer can still build their six story luxury condo there, so long as just the current facade is maintained?

Katia said...

Correct. Landmark status does not provide protection against height. However, any design for the new building would have to be approved by Landmarks, which means that the final design would be more in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood.

John Longbow said...

What a win for the community, coming together to preserve this historic landmark! It gives me hope to see the democratic process working, and it heartens me that we can protect our neighborhood's soul from the greedy real estate developers. But this is only the first battle of many. As the L train prepares to shut down, the developers will be licking their chops to reinvent our neighborhood as a "hip" destination for all the kids. Stay alert, for when the millennials come, they bring with them their cheap residential towers, their litter and their phones, their unneighborly ways, and their Shanghainese restaurants that our neighborhood so desperately needs.

Anonymous said...

Building-by-building protection is, of course, unsatisfactory. A McMansion was just built between on President between Clinton and Henry, and we suspect that another is on the way next door. In addition, a massive condo is being constructed on President between Henry and Hicks.

Anonymous said...

Building-by-building protection is, of course, unsatisfactory; we need an historic district designation before it is too late. A McMansion was just built on President between Clinton and Henry, and we suspect that another is on the way next door. In addition, a massive condo is being constructed on President between Henry and Hicks.

Anonymous said...

The L train will int be shut down for a year. And the troubles will mainly be felt yes by the people who use it but also by the Manhattan neighborhoods the detours will invade.
There aren’t enough places to buy shoes here to attract millenials. And the ones that do live here live in my building. That’s enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Something seems fishy. Seeing how the gowanus building will be ripped apart. Done deal. It deserves the same chance.

Anonymous said...

238 President St. is a beautiful building worthy of protection. 236 President St. is nothing special and is not in keeping with character of the neighborhood. "Landmark" protection for 236 President is a ridiculous land grab.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Both should be saved.

Anonymous said...

Rose Ann Scamardella formerly lived at 238 President - so it should be landmarked on that basis. She was the inspiration for Roseane Roseannadanna afterall.

Sean said...

I am very encouraged by the LPC decision reported here. Deeply discouraged by the generational hatred and finger-pointing in these comments, which seems to be mis-directed anger.